Purchase seo software to determine the best links Blog

Go to the links now . There are three types: inbound links , internal links and outbound links. Inbound links are those that your site receives , that is to say a user wanted to point to your site. If you get quality links , your site / product is considered relevant by the search engines. To determine whether your site is considered ” quality ” I advise you to read this article. It is imperative to prioritize and target quality links rather than quantity since the Google algorithm (we have to purchase seo software) seeks to determine if they are good and natural. Internal links are those that are within your site by pointing your articles similar to others. In order to have better internal mesh, for example you can insert a breadcrumb or a sitemap .

For example: I have written several articles on social networks Pressmyweb . I can add a link to each of my articles relating to social networks every time I cite Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. This increases the number of links that lead to my articles. Outbound links meanwhile, are links that go from your site to another . You can make links that complement or support about your content. Do not hesitate to use them! Use his authorship Google highlights the content authors. If you already have experience in the web writing, you can use the name or nickname you used to publish your articles to recover visit through new methode to purchase seo software. If you have influence , your SEO will feel boosted and the position of your articles will take off ! Hence the importance of having a profile on Google + . It should simply add links of your articles in your Google+ profile in the ” Also author of ” and add the link to your profile in your WordPress Contact Information section . An e -commerce parenthesis For ecommerce sites, I found it interesting to play a game in hand on the sheets . It is essential to reiterate what was said in the article for its well referenced products. It is important to put pictures because the first thing the consumer will do is look at the product and not to read its characteristics. It is therefore necessary and realistic images that are similar to the product. Do not forget to fill out the alternative content , title, and image caption . Should remain objective in content to lie not talking only positive aspect of the product at the expense of negative points. Consumers do not fail to give their opinion on your site that is in the “Notices” section of your product or whatever on a forum or on social networks . It says a disgruntled buyer says 11 people. Speaking of the “Notice” part is an interesting game that can renew the content because every time a consumer post a notice, it generates content. However, search engines are interested in the freshness of the content. We must therefore try to push the consumer to leave comment on the product and it is also valid for other sites by implementing techniques ” call to action “. For example, a week after the consumer has received the order, he still has not issued an opinion on the product. It is possible to push to post a comment by sending an email to whether it is satisfied with his purchase . Outright or offer him a small discount or free shipping for the next command in exchange for his opinion. To conclude , it remains important to create useful content that provides value added . You must choose an optimized title tag, for easier results, because it is she who has the most importance and the search engines see first of all , as the user elsewhere. For your content to be shared more easily make sure to use a simple and optimized URL. Do not hesitate to make links to additional content on your site or on other sites. Think and optimize writing your content for users and for search engines.

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